Things not to say when dealing with a bereavement
When a loved one dies, everything becomes emotional and challenging. That’s why it's important when providing a funeral call service that you say the right things. When you’re providing a service, it is imperative that you are both sympathetic and supportive. Unfortunately, saying the wrong thing could be seen as insensitive and could not only do harm to your business but could cause more grief for the bereaved as well.
Here are a few phrases not to use when answering your next funeral call, with recommendations for what you could say instead.
“They’re in a better place now.”
This one is always contentious. Saying this when you don’t know the person can be seen as insensitive as you have no idea what their views on the afterlife may be.
Instead, it may be more important to find out more about the person and their life. This will allow the bereaved to share their feelings and give you an indication of who the individual is that has passed away.
”I know how it feels.”
The last thing a bereaved person wants is to be told that their loss isn’t unique and personal to them. You may think you’re saying this with the best intentions, but it may instead just cause more anguish.
Consider saying something along the lines of “this must be a difficult time for you”. You’re showing empathy and support while not dismissing their loss as something that happens to everyone.
”Now you can start to move on with your life.”
There’s nothing worse than pointing out that a bereaved person can move on with their life when their loved one can’t. A lot of people struggle to let go and many will never heal from the loss of a loved one.
An alternative thing you can do is ask how you can help in any way. That will show your concern and your commitment to helping someone heal, without actually pointing out that it was what you want to do.
If you need help with your funeral call handling, our contact centre team can help. Contact us today for more information.