Things not to say when dealing with a bereavement

Things not to say when dealing with a bereavement

When a loved one dies, everything becomes emotional and challenging. That’s why it's important when providing a funeral call service that you say the right things. When you’re providing a service, it is imperative that you are both sympathetic and supportive. Unfortunately, saying the wrong thing could be seen as insensitive and could not only do harm to your business but could cause more grief for the bereaved as well.

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How to outsource your funeral calls – a step-by-step guide - Part Two

How to outsource your funeral calls – a step-by-step guide - Part Two

The most powerful and essential stage of any on-boarding is managing the expectations of what is and isn't possible. Live call listening is a great leveller. And, in most cases It proves our team, knowledge and experience to be far beyond the preconceived thoughts of the participant.  

From here we sit down with a big piece of paper and sketched out the first call process, the procedure for chapel visits, how to respond to arrangement requests…

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